Accessible PARKING
Complimentary accessible parking spaces are available close to the racecourse entrances at the front of Luddington and Paddock Lane entrances for vehicles displaying a valid disabled label. Disabled parking is operated on a first come, first served basis on the day.
your day

Event Mobility
Wheelchair users in the Main Enclosure are also welcomed to the covered viewing area on the 1st Floor Warwickshire stand. The lift can be accessed at the front of the building through the main doors.

If you’re arriving by taxi or bus you will be directed to the top of the drive at the main entrance; you may dropped off here before your vehicle leaves the course or joins the main car park.

Wheelchair users in the Main Enclosure are also welcomed to the covered viewing area on the 1st Floor Warwickshire stand. The lift can be accessed at the front of the building through the main doors.

Viewing of the Parade Ring is easily accessible from the raised area adjacent to the winner’s enclosure and paddock.

Gambling Responsibly
Horse racing betting is a pastime that has been enjoyed in the UK since the 1600s, with horse racing betting rising to prominence during the reign of King James I. While betting options have become more diverse and sophisticated since the 17th century, our love for betting on the gee-gees remains an integral part of our sporting heritage. Read More …

Disabled toilets are located within each of the enclosures as are Toilet Attendants. Temporary toilets are also located around the venue at the Sundays in July.